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Production Logistics

Greenhouse logistics

Tow trucks

Hortilife provides custom made solutions starting with an electric Tow Truck to optimize your workflow towards packaging. The BeTrac Electric Tow truck stands out in its versatility and user-friendliness. You can use the BeTrac Electric tow tractor either with manual control or unmanned. It provides an optimum way to run the harvesting trolley from the greenhouse to the processing area and back.
With its low step and simple controls, this tractor is convenient for manual use. Moreover, the BeTrac Electric tow tractor is environmentally friendly, noiseless and highly manoeuvrable.


The BeTrac Tow truck comes standard as a manually operated tractor. With its low step and simple controls, this tractor is highly convenient for manual use. Moreover, the BeTrac Electric tow tractor is environmentally friendly, noiseless and very manoeuvrable.


The BeTrac Tow truck also can operate fully automatically controlled using induction technology. The Tow tractor runs autonomously from your greenhouse towards the unloading units guided by induction wires integrated into your floor. Our induction engineers can design every possible track between the greenhouse and the packing hall: from a single loop to a complicated trajectory with junctions etc. It is all possible.

The BeTrac Electric tow tractor runs autonomously through an unloading unit, so harvesting trolleys can be individually unloaded at the right positions. The compact design makes it extremely manoeuvrable. The special designed bumper equipped with sensors ensures a safe automatic operation. The induction management system display tells you where the truck is located, ensures exact positioning in the processing area’s and operates automatic doors.

The experience of Hortilife

Hortilife produced more than 200 hectares of modern greenhouses in Europe. Our experts also transformed more than 500 hectares of existing greenhouses into modern greenhouses. In short, if you work with Hortilife, you choose quality and long-standing experience. Have a look at our projects portfolio to get inspired.

Top Choice

Our experts are happy to inform you about the aspects of greenhouse logistics. Depending on your crop, your greenhouse and your packing hall, we’ll provide you with the best solution to make operations cost-effective.